Monmouth Arts invites you to take part in Exquisitely Connected, a national visual art community-building experience created and curated by artist Molly Gaston Johnson and in partnership with Maryhill Museum in southern Washington State.
This initiative is inspired by the Surrealist parlor game, Exquisite Corpse, where participants contribute to a collective artwork without being able to see what others have created. We are asking YOU to create 8” x 8” artworks at home that will be connected digitally. Our goal is to connect creatives of all ages and abilities – virtually and literally – as each finished artwork becomes a part of a larger whole. The digital mural will be turned into a physical exhibit at Maryhill Museum in 2021!
Click here for the parameters for creating your piece and how to upload it so you can be part of the experience.
All you need are a few basic art supplies and your creativity. Tell us about what you are feeling now, the hopes you want to express for the future, or create a metaphor for today’s world experience. Let your imagination run wild as we create a web of connectivity!
The images will be curated and displayed on Instagram (@exquisitelyconnected) and both the Monmouth Arts and Maryhill Museum websites. Please note: The Curator has the right to reject artwork using hate speech or images inappropriate for this project.

Overview of Instructions: