As part of Monmouth Arts' 50th Anniversary, we're taking the time to showcase some of our nonprofit member groups that form the foundation of Monmouth Arts' creative community. We understand that this reopening phase of COVID-19 presents its own challenges, so we're shining a light on the work being done in this area. In this installment, we're looking at Shore House, an organization based in Long Branch that provides resources to adults living with mental illness, including an art therapy component and an art-based annual fundraising event called Art of Recovery. We checked in with Executive Director Rich Ambrosia to see what's currently going on with Shore House and how this group is serving the community.
For those who aren't familiar with Shore House, tell us a little about your nonprofit.
Shore House provides community-based, non-residential, evidence-based psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery programming for adults living with mental illness. We provide recovery-oriented care and support to help people with mental illness regain their lives. Our success helps our members, their families, and the community. Shore House is accredited by Clubhouse International, which helps start and grow Clubhouses globally.
Give one example of a way you've seen your organization's work make a difference.
We currently have 41 members who are actively employed thanks to the transferrable skills they gained at Shore House. These members were not gainfully employed prior to joining Shore House. We also have eight members currently participating in a computer and entrepreneurship certificate program at Brookdale Community College.

How are you operating your nonprofit right
now in regards to reopening? Have you made any adaptations due to COVID-19 that our readers would be interested in hearing about?
We reopened Shore House to in-person programming in September of 2020. Prior to that we had a CDC-recommended air purification system installed in our clubhouse. All members and staff are currently fully vaccinated and masks are required for any members who utilize our transportation services on the 14-passenger van we own and operate.
Can you share an interesting anecdote or something about your nonprofit that would surprise people?
Although there are over 320 accredited clubhouses worldwide, and over 150 in the Unites States -- including 21 in Pennsylvania and 19 in New York -- Shore House is still the only clubhouse in New Jersey.
What are you looking forward to for the rest of 2021?
We look forward to growing our membership and increasing the programming we offer through the addition of a full-time staff position and through our new Social Work Internship Program.
Monmouth Arts has a great network of arts supporters. How can our members and readers support your nonprofit right now?
We have several events coming up, including our Art of Recovery exhibit from September 20 through October 7, which features artwork created by our members that will be displayed and available for sale at the Long Branch Arts & Cultural Center at 577 Broadway. The exhibit is open to the public Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9am to 4pm.
Where can people find out more about Shore House?
Website: ShoreHouseNJ.org Facebook: @shorehouse.nj
Instagram: @shorehousenj
Interested in becoming a nonprofit member like Shore House? Become a member of Monmouth Arts today!