Presented by Monmouth Arts, the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners, the Monmouth County Division on Aging, Disabilities & Veterans Services, and the Monmouth County Library Headquarters
Exhibit Date: August 1 - August 30, 2024
Reception: August 21, 2024, 10 AM - 12 PM
Monmouth County Library Headquarters
125 Symmes Drive, Manalapan Township
Click HERE to download the 2024 Senior Art Show
Monmouth Arts is pleased to produce the 2024 Monmouth County Senior Art Show. To be eligible for this exhibition, you must:
Be a visual artist, professional or non-professional, age 60 or older
Currently reside in Monmouth County
Submit ONE piece of original artwork completed in the last three years
Submit a piece that has not previously been submitted to a county Senior Citizen Art Show or the New Jersey State Senior Citizens Annual Juried Art Contest & Exhibition
Please note: This county senior art show does not accept nudes because the exhibition space is also used for public lectures and children’s classes.
Artist Classification
Professional: Person who meets 2 or more of the following criteria:
Sells or has sold artwork through commercial channels (galleries, online galleries, craft shows, etc.)
Exhibited in a professional gallery and/or in professional shows for 2+ years*
Had artwork selected in 2 or more juried art or craft shows*
Has received 2 or more awards for artwork*
Holds (or has held) professional membership in art guilds or associations
Must list 2 criteria on the application
*Exception: These criteria do not apply to artists who only enter their county show and never exhibit artwork in any other show—unless they have won First Place in their category three or more times. In that case, the artist should identify themselves as a Professional.
Non-Professional: Person who does NOT meet the above professional criteria.
Craft: One-of-a-kind originals only; no craft kits or molds.
Digital/Computer Art: Artwork created using a computer-based program, such as Photoshop or Illustrator; this category does NOT include digital photographs.
Drawing: Includes hand-drawn work in graphite, pen, ink, charcoal, colored pencil, crayon, and/or markers.
Mixed Media: Artwork that combines two or more media AND where no one medium clearly dominates. This category includes collage and assemblage, but does NOT include watercolor paintings that use graphite/ink drawing.
Pastel: Includes chalk and oil pastel.
Photography: Includes traditional film-based, digital, and pinhole-based, black & white or color, and digitally manipulated photographs.
Print: Original prints only; includes all print forms, such as etching, engraving, linoleum, woodcut, lithograph, monoprint, silkscreen, etc.
Sculpture: Artwork designed in 3-dimensions, carved or constructed, in any medium.
Watercolor: Includes watercolor, gouache, and tempera.
Artwork Display Rules
Each artist may only submit one entry.
Artwork must be the original creation of the artist. Original versions of the artwork must be exhibited; no gicl.e prints or other reproductions accepted.
2-D dimensions for hanging artwork, photographs, crafts, etc.—INCLUDING THE FRAME AND MAT—may be no more than 30” and no less than 10” in any dimension.
3-D dimensions for sculpture and 3-D crafts—INCLUDING ANY BASE—may not exceed 20” in any dimension and may not weigh more than 30 pounds.
All 2-D artwork must be delivered READY TO HANG: matted, framed, and wired (no saw-tooth hangers). Paintings may be framed, but it is not necessary; however, paintings must be wired properly. Use screw eyes for all wiring.
All 2-D artwork should be protected where necessary with Plexiglas or mylar. Plexiglas, not glass, is strongly recommended for 2-D work to avoid damage to artwork. Plexiglas is required for any 2-D work over 24” in any dimension.
Artworks need to be properly labeled on the back, bottom right for 2-D works and lightly attached to 3-D works. Labels will be provided ahead of time and should be properly labeled prior to drop off.
Any artwork with a dollar value exceeding $400 must be privately insured by the artist—either through their homeowner’s or rental insurance or through an art rider. We do not provide insurance.
If artwork is incorrectly categorized, it will be moved to the correct category.
Work does not need to be for sale but an insurance value is required. If a work is offered for sale, the artist receives the full payment and is responsible for any taxes associated with the sale of the artwork.
No artwork may be removed prior to the closing date, August 30. Only the county coordinator may remove artwork from the exhibiting space. Monmouth Arts will retain those artworks selected for the state show, unless display requirements for the state show are not met. In that case, Monmouth Arts will contact the artist to make hanging changes to the piece to prepare the work for the state show. Artwork not selected for the state show must be retrieved by the artist directly from the Manalapan Library on September 3rd.
Waiver: Monmouth Arts and Monmouth County Library Headquarters will make every attempt to secure and protect each entry submitted. The sponsoring organizations do not assume responsibility for loss or damage incurred to any artwork. Entry in the show signifies compliance with this waiver. Each artist assumes full responsibility for their own artwork at all times.
Judging: Three unaffiliated judges chosen by Monmouth Arts may select one professional winner and one non-professional winner in each category, along with a 2nd and 3rd place winner when possible. There will also be one professional and one nonprofessional Best in Show. First-place winners in Monmouth County in both professional and non-professional levels across 11 categories automatically advance to the state competition.
Registration and Drop-off/Pick-up
Completed application form must be received by Monmouth Arts by July 12, 2024.
Artwork must be delivered to the Monmouth County Library Headquarters on July 22nd, 2024 between 9:30am – 12:30pm. See timeline for other dates and information.
All first-place winners will not need to pick up their artwork on September 3rd from the library. Monmouth Arts will collect and transport first-place artworks to the state show.
All other art must be picked up from the library on September 3rd from 10 AM - 2 PM.
To make arrangements for ADA-related accommodations, please call: (732) 212-1890 x 102 and speak with Sandy Riddle from Monmouth Arts. Large print application and guidelines available upon request.​
Contact Information for the County Senior Art Show
For questions or for more information, call/email Sandy Riddle at Monmouth Arts:
(732) 212-1890 x 102
2024 Timeline
June Applications become available to the public
July 12 Deadline for application forms
July 17 Notification to all applicants of accepted artwork
July 22 9:30 - 12:30 PM Artists deliver artwork to Monmouth County Library in Manalapan
July 24 Judging of artwork
July 26 All winners are notified
July 29 Installation of artwork
August 1-30 Monmouth County Senior Art Show open to the public
August 21 Reception and Awards Ceremony 10 AM -12 PM, Monmouth County Library Headquarters, Manalapan
September 3 Artists pick up artwork at Library between 10 AM - 2 PM; First-place winners may opt to leave artwork with Monmouth Arts to collect and transport to the NJ State Senior Art Show
October 1 First-place artwork delivered by Monmouth Arts to State Art Show at Meadow Lakes
October 1-4 Artwork is installed by state coordinators and judged
October 4 Notify local artists of state award recipients (information sent to us from state); State mails invitations to artists who place 1st in the state show
October 5 58th Annual NJSAS opens to the public September 30 - October 26
October 17 New Jersey Senior Citizens Art Show Reception and Awards Ceremony at The Stone Terrace, 2275 Kuser Road, Hamilton, NJ 08690 (11:30-1:30pm) - Invite Only
October 31 10 AM -1:30 PM: Monmouth Arts to pick up artworks from State Art Show; Artists that came to the Reception/Awards may take their artworks home directly from show
November 4-8 Artists pick up artwork from Monmouth Arts office
CareOne at Holmdel
Breakfast Sponsor


August 1 - 31, 2023
Reception: August 16, 2023
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August 7 - September 4, 2020
Reception: August 12, 2020
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August 1 - September 21, 2022
Reception: August 17, 2022
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August 6 - 29, 2019
Reception: August 14, 2019
Monmouth County Library Headquarters

August 6 - September 3, 2021
Virtual Reception: August 11, 2021
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August 6 - 29, 2018
Reception: August 15, 2018
Monmouth County Library Headquarters